Who is a ‘normal’ person? by Paulo Coelho


What do you think a normal person should be like? What does a normal person do? 
Paulo Coelho presents some characters who are supposed to be normal and maybe successful or rich and famous.
Is this section (the points below) satirical or true?
These days… Normal is-
1] Believing that dreams are impossible.
2] Believing in everything they tell about who are your “enemies”.
3] Spending years at university and then not being able to find a job.
4] Working from nine in the morning to five in the afternoon at something that does not give us the least pleasure, so that we can retire after 30 years.
5] Retiring only to discover that we have no more energy to enjoy life, and then dying of boredom after a few years.
6] Using Botox.
7] Trying to be financially successful instead of seeking happiness.
8] Ridiculing those who seek happiness instead of money by calling them “people with no ambition”  Continue reading